Web Applications and Architecture

Grade Letters

Grading System: Percentages and Letters

We do not use pre-defined percentages of your final mark to compute your final grade, but instead use our judgement of how your final percentage indicates the level of mastery in the table below for an A, B, C, D+. This is done after the final exam.

This is the standard system in use by most Computing Science courses at the University of Alberta. However, it may not be what you are used to from other institutions. The department of Computing Science believes this produces a fair evaluation and our extensive experience supports this.

Letter Descriptor Interpretation
Excellent Consistently original thinking that extends the material, demonstrated depth and breadth in the material, ability to integrate material with other subjects, ability to analyze and synthesize material at various levels of abstraction.
Good Like an A, but not consistent over time, or weak in a specific area.
Satisfactory Understand the core material but not its subtleties, can apply it to simple situations on own and to more complex situations with hints, evidence that the material has changed the way of thinking.
D+ Poor Understand some of the core material but not its subtleties, can apply it to simple situations but often needs assistance, evidence that the material has had some change on the way of thinking.
D Minimal
Shows some understanding of parts of the material, cannot apply it without some direction, little evidence that the material has changed the way of thinking.
F Failure Little evidence of understanding of even the surface issues, poor analysis and synthesis, inability to apply the material.

You can find a copy of this table on the Department Course Policies page.

Breakpoint Calculations and Examples

The numbers in this section examples only and will not be used for this course!

Assessment Weight Minimum % required for a C-

Exam 1 20% 40% Exam 2 20% 50% Exam 3 30% 60% Assignment 1 10% 90% Assignment 2 10% 80% Labs 10% 70%